19 May 2010

Chasing light

A typical Wednesday morning in the Green.
For the Meesh,
Not for me.


  1. Wish I were still sleeping when it was light out - but no, must be awake before the sun! Hope you have a good day and glad to hear the accutane is working. Careful with that stuff - it's pretty toxic.

  2. What a lovely picture!

  3. What a precious photo. I wish I had the Meesh's life! :)

  4. I might just like to play like I'm the Meesh today. Actually, can I play the Meesh for the rest of May??? Pretty please with sugar on top?

  5. My fur babies enjoy such a relaxing schedule. Wish I could trade places with them every once and a while. HA!

  6. Love the fur baby!!!

    I'm sorta back, and the first person I needed to 'see' was you!!

    Why? I'd been in a writing funk. Started new job (see new post after years of absence :) drama me)...AND one of my waitresses name is...wait for it...


    If that wasn't a hint to get back into the game.

    Miss you bunches...gonna read up on what you and Mr. B have been up to. Look for something n the post.


    Your hawaiian pal.

  7. Sometimes when I leave home for work I get a bit jealous of Matilda. Dog napping in the sun all day sounds like the bees knees.
