April so far has been kind to us, very kind. This weekend was warm, sunny and delightfully lazy. My weekend involved
Yoga. I was proud of how I did in my bikram yoga class. I have low blood pressure and at some point during every class I’ve become so light-headed that I’ve had to stop & rest. After talking with my teacher I’ve increased the amount of salt in my diet and before this week’s class I downed a whole bottle of Lucozade. This time I was able to really push myself… I felt so much stronger & managed each & every posture. Best class ever!
A picnic. Mr B and I packed our picnic basket with sandwiches, crisps, m&ms, cashews & two beers and headed to our local Thames riverbank for an afternoon of lazing in the sun. It was wonderfully warm. I snoozed, fed the ducks & took photos. Mr B read the paper. It was bliss.
Best friends. Our friends came over for a meal on Saturday night. They surprised us with some Easter goodies! We had a lovely evening of lasagna, wine, chatting & seasick steve.
Holiday planning. Mr B and I talked about 2009 travels. We’re re-thinking our plan to go to a Greek island … for some reason it is absurdly expensive. It was working out at almost the same price as our 10 day honeymoon to Indonesia!! So we’re thinking about going somewhere much further afield & I’m unbelievably excited! We’re considering New York & LA, Australia, Sri Lanka, Egypt… we really have so many places on our wish list and no idea which place to choose!
Do you have any ideas?So this week is going to be fun… we’ll be planning our holiday, looking forward to our long Easter weekend, enjoying quiet commutes to work, savouring our lie-ins on Friday and Monday morning and… getting familiar with our
new car which is being delivered to Mr B’s office today!!!