10 December 2008

Advent Angel #2

This little girl is a miracle. She was born prematurely weighing less than a bag of sugar. She spent the first part of her life in an incubator and wasn't able to go home until she was a few months old.

Now look at her...

She came third in her judo competition!! She rocks!!

There was definately an angel looking over her in those fragile first few months of her life.

We can all be angels...

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another ~Luciano de Crescenzo


  1. I love how girls are so diversified !

    Your wedding pics are beautiful ! Congrats!

  2. How sweet! My brother was a preemie too. We always say he weighed less than a sack of sugar and people look at us like we're crazy...I'm glad to hear that someone else uses that comparison!! :)

  3. aw, my heart just melted a little.
